Loving Something Better

Woke up to this magical black and white world. God is such a masterful artist, and I am going to miss this view of His handiwork.

Yes, I'm going miss this. People sometimes assume cross-cultural workers are different kinds of humans. That maybe we don't like where we were born, have some kind of unquenchable thirst for adventure, or don't want our kids to experience any of the good things we did growing up. None of those could be further from true for me. I am a Buffalo girl, through and through. I don't like change (I am a type A+ control freak). My heart hurts to think about our kids missing snow days, football/hockey with extended family on Sunday afternoons, huge free libraries, gorgeous parks, amazing public education, four uniquely delightful seasons, and all the beauty/privilege that accompanies life in America. 

I love all those things. But I love Something else more. I want to teach my kids to obey God, no matter the cost. If they are called to live in Western New York or Central Arkansas, I hope they will count the cost of whatever God is asking them to give up and live every day for Jesus. If the Lord opens doors for them to live in Africa, or Asia, or the Middle East, I hope they will count the cost of whatever God is asking them to give up and live every day for Jesus. 

Yes, I'm going to miss snuggling under thick blankets as the snow falls, and so many other things about life here. But this I know: God is big enough to carry everything I leave behind, and everything I face ahead. 


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