Facebooking My Own Foolishness

Facebook has an "On This Day" feature, which has recently brought me many smiles and just as many grimaces. Pictures and posts by others remind me how blessed I have been relationally and otherwise. Many of my own posts, however, seem to demonstrate how short-sighted, judgmental, and entitled I have been (and continue to be). And these are just the thoughts I was willing to publish on social media. How many pettier, more inconsequential opinions have floated (or even been allowed to linger) through my mind over the years?

I would like to think my short-sighted, judgmental, and entitled days are behind me. But honestly? I've come to similar moments of self-revelation at other points in my life, without much obvious improvement in my attitude or actions. Still, I can't help but wonder: wouldn't it be nice if nobody unfriended me in the future over a non-Gospel issue?

Thinking about this pattern of failure, I am reminded of the following passage:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete." - 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

The command to "take every thought captive to obey Christ" is most often quoted without considering the context of this passage. Paul was responding to criticism about his ministry, immediately following an appeal for funding. These are not easy topics to broach, but if we follow Paul's example we must choose spiritual warfare over verbal sparring. What would I post if my habit was to first pray (seriously pray, not throw up a cursory sentence) about controversial topics?

The means of destroying false ideology is not debate. Paul's "we" in the quoted passage suggests that "taking every thought captive" begins with a battle for our own obedience to Christ. As demonstrated by my repeated failure to be prudent with my words, mere resolution is often inadequate to accomplish such mental transformation.

If and when I review my "On This Day" feed in the years to come, I hope my words draw more attention to Christ crucified than my own inconsequential opinions. I cannot simply appeal to an inner desire to change myself. Instead, I must pray and expect God to change me. He alone is sufficient to destroy the foolish arguments and lofty opinions that occupy my thoughts. I pray He would do so. I pray I let Him do so. 


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